Selected Projects
Full-stack Development of a Basketball Player Data Management System, 2021.04 - 2021.06
Developed a comprehensive data management system for student basketball players using Java and Spring.
Realized data storage and manipulation with MySQL, including insertion, deletion, update and selection.
Facilitated smooth operations of the system with a front-end interface developed by HTML and JavaScript; allowed easy management of both players and their game data, as well as customizable visualization of history stats and rankings.
Geotag Prediction of Covid-19 Related Tweets Based on a Multi-view Network, 2020.11 - 2020.12
Evaluated the end-to-end network proposed by this paper , on the dataset consisting of covid-19 related tweets that were extracted through Twitter API.
Replaced the text network in the model with several pretrained Word2Vec models, and slightly improved the model performance.
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning, 2020.05 - 2020.06
Implemented both DQN and Double DQN on a PLE game 'Pixelcopter' .
Optimized and compared the two networks, as well as evaluated their issues of value overestimation.
Achieved humal-level performance with the trained RL agent.
Combined Network Based Deep Learning Methods for EEG Dataset Classification, 2020.02 - 2020.03
Implemented and combined different architectures of CNN and RNN, and optimized them over hyperparameters.
Leveraged data augmentation, voting methods, etc. to improve the model, which boosted the classification accuracy to over 70%.
Classification & Clustering Analysis on Textual Data, 2020.01 - 2020.02
Extracted proper features from raw textual data of textual dataset "20Newsgroups" by preprocessing texts, generating TF-IDF matrix, and reducing the dimensionality of TF-IDF matrix by PCA/LSI/NMF.
Performed different classification methods on the processed representations, and analyzed their difference.
Performed K-Means clustering on the processed representations, and analyzed the effect of different preprocessing techniques: dimensionality reduction methods, scaling, logarithmic non-linear transformation to the data vectors, etc.
Grocery Shopping Helper Based on Interactively Customized Image Classifier, 2019.11 - 2019.12
Implemented a customizable web application, which classified goods based on MobileNet  by Google.
Applied transfer learning to the application by removing the last layer of MobileNet and appending KNN to it, enabling the model to be trained and customized simultaneously and smoothly.
The Development of a Chinese Input Method, 2019.03
Developed a Chinese Input Model by Python, using Hidden Markov Model, Viterbi Algorithm, etc.
Realized the output of corresponding Chinese characters of highest probability by identifying the input phonetic transcription of sentences.